Here I am to Worship...

>> Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It was during that song on Slingshot last Saturday that God gave me a special moment. It had been a pretty discouraging morning, with not enough drivers to pick up all the kids in a reasonable time span, so I was already wiped from about two hours of pickups and kids in my car. But as I sat beside one of the younger girls, God showed me something special. This girl and her brother and sister had not been able to come to Slingshot for many months because they had moved to a new area with no pickup. This past weekend we had finally been able to have them as part of a new stop in the Jane & Finch area. She's not the easiest girl to handle sometimes and not many are willing to spend the time with her to gain her trust and respect. I admit that I have even had my moments where I didn't know what to do with her anymore. But as we were singing Here I am to Worship... there she was singing her heart out... knowing every word. There is just something so beautiful about a child worshipping God. And needless to say the hours of driving were forgotten.

Please pray for me and the rest of the CEF staff over the next week and a half as we finish up the last minute preparations for summer. I actually won't have any time left to do administration work after next week because I will be in the field full-time for the rest of the summer. Please pray that I am able to finish off the LiT curriculum for camp, as well as have a good start on camp preparations and lessons for the two weeks at Calvary Church/Thorncliffe Park/Flemington Park. From here everything just goes crazy, so please bear with me as I try to get updates out as often as I can. (It's sad that during the part that I have the most to write about... I have the least amount of time to write!) Also pray for me as I try and get a fair way into my summer courses over the next week so I don't have to try and fit them in later in the summer.

♥ Ash


Fozzi June 17, 2010 at 3:20 PM  

I got chills from reading the story about the girl at slingshot.That is so awesome Ashley! Praise God!
I continue to keep you and all the staff in my prayers!

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