Obsessed with Jesus

>> Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ever since I first found out I was going to Haiti, I have heard the same things over and over again. "Aren't you scared?" "That's so dangerous" or something along those lines inferring that I should reconsider.

But ever since I found out I was going I have had a sincere sense of peace about it. Who am I to say that where God is calling me is too dangerous? His children live there everyday. Who am I to question whether He will take care of me and use me for His glory? He promises to be with me wherever I go.

In the fall I was reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan and I was hit by what he said. "People who are obsessed with Jesus aren't consumed with their personal safety and comfort above all else. Obsessed people care more about God's kingdom coming to this earth than their own lives being shielded from pain or distress."

Just a thought for your own life. How obsessed are you? Are you willing to endure hardship, trial, or possibly even death for your King?

♥ Ash


And the adventure begins...

So the day has finally come! Tomorrow I will get up bright and early and head to Pearson Airport. My first flight will leave at noon with a layover in Charlotte, NC before reaching Fort Lauderdale, FL at approx. 6pm. I would really appreciate prayer during my flight because it's my first time flying and just prayer that the transfer would go smoothly and I would meet up safely with the rest of the team in Florida.

We will be staying in Florida until Saturday doing some final preparations and getting to know each other before flying to Haiti. In Haiti, we will be sharing the Gospel with many children. Unfortunately our previous plan to share in the schools has changed as the children have exams during the two weeks we are there. However, we now have the opportunity to share in orphanages and do 5 day clubs. Please pray for this change and the children that we will meet.

I am sorry that I don't have much more to share right now. We really do need your prayers though.

Please pray for:

-our team (Jerry, Brenda, Chioma and myself)
-the national CEF staff in Haiti
-the children that we will meet
-favour as we enter the orphanages and any other places we might teach
-safety as we travel
-the approx. $200 I have left to raise

I'm not sure how much internet access I'll have if any at all. If I can update you I will... but otherwise I'll be sure to post some of my pictures and journal entries as soon as I get back. :)

Thank you all for your prayers and support!

♥ Ash


How it happened....

>> Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Over the past couple of years, God has provided me with many new and stretching experiences in ministry and life. Last summer I had the opportunity to intern in the urban ministry of CEFOntario, developing the ministry and experiencing leadership in ministry in a new way. I returned to Heritage in the fall for my 3rd year of my degree and had the opportunity to be the Resident Assistance (RA) of 10 girls, which has been a great blessing.

During this time, I began to feel God calling me to consider overseas ministry. I had never before felt called to do anything ministry wise overseas, whether it was short-term or long-term and so I spent a lot of time praying and seeking wisdom from mentors in my life. As time progressed I felt a deep peace that this was where God was potentially leading me and in light of this, I changed my program at Heritage slightly, adding another major in intercultural studies, and began to pray for God to open doors for direction. As the months past, more and more doors seemed to be shutting and I felt that God was just opening me up to the possibility of going in the future and that for the present I was going to be staying in Ontario and working this summer. About a week after I had come to this conclusion, I followed up with a contact that I had been put in touch with by a mentor and found out that in my surrendering of it over to God, He had been working in a way I never thought.

In June, I will be travelling with a team of four people from CEF Canada to Haiti. As you probably are aware, Haiti is a country that has been devastated over the past year. While the rebuilding process has begun, there is still little hope for people who have yet to begin that process. Roman Catholicism is widely practiced throughout the country, but voodoo is also wide spread and there are many who do not know the hope that comes from knowing Jesus Christ.

I will be flying from Toronto to Fort Lauderdale, FL on June 1st and then 3 days laster flying on to Haiti. We will spend just over two weeks there sharing the gospel with children through a school ministry in the morning and 5-day clubs in the afternoon. The schools have been very open in Haiti to the CEF ministry and we will have the opportunity to teach Bible lessons to many children. In the afternoon, the children will be out of school and that's when we will be holding 5 day clubs in the neighbourhoods. Though I have experienced a lot of CEF ministry before, the context and culture are quite different in Haiti and it is sure to be stretching in many ways, but also exciting as God has been opening the doors for many ministry opportunities in the country.

Please pray for me and the team as well as the children from this still hurting and struggling country.

♥ Ash


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