To Stand Amazed...
>> Sunday, June 20, 2010
As real as the moment I was saved
I will always stand amazed
~ I Stand Amazed-Kate Simmonds
Sometimes you have no idea what is going on in a child's heart. Some kids will come right out and tell you what they feel God telling them or what God is doing in their heart, but others you can only guess at. Unfortunately, God doesn't tell us that He will reveal to us on this earth every person that we led to Him. We are commanded only to preach the Gospel and we are only to be faithful to that no matter the results that we see.
Today was one of those days when God did reveal what He has been doing in the lives of some of the Camp Good News kids. I received not one, but TWO emails today from kids saying that they accepted Christ last year while at camp. Praise God!
I have to admit that I have seen much growth in both of these kids over the past year, but they had never shared with me until now that they had accepted Christ. And I have to admit that I am not the least bit upset that they didn't share this with us until now because sometimes in the hype of camp I'm not sure we understand how much of a life change is happening. Seeing the life change happen and then hearing the good news of two more children who have chosen to follow God with their lives just seems so much more special. It leaves no question in my mind as I see how commited they are to honouring God in their lives and that they are now pursuing leadership opportunities as Sr. campers... with their servant hearts pushing them on to the possibility of serving as counselors one day in the near future.
One of them shared how awesome it was to see a girl who was an atheist come to know God a few months after they did and the joy that they felt in their heart to see the same life changes happening in her, as she chose to follow God with her life. It brought them back to the day that they accept Christ as Lord and Saviour of their life.... just as we should every time we hear of a person being made brand new!
What a privilege to constantly stand amazed at what God has done in our own lives... and also see what He is doing in the lives of others.