I'm Gonna Soak Up the Sun

>> Monday, April 12, 2010

It's a beautiful day on the Heritage hill overlooking the city of Cambridge. If you've never been to Heritage, the college is situated on a hill surrounded largely behind by forest, but the front of the school allows for students to overlook the city and wonder what actually happens outside of our Heritage bubble. Students can often be caught wondering this in class as they stare absently out the window at the cars racing down the 401 and the activities in the Smart Centre plaza not that far away.

Heritage students long to be outside and free of the confines of the classrooms and dorm, so at this time of year many can be found outside "doing homework" which often turns into spontaneous singing when a guitar is brought out. Sunglasses hide whether the book in front of students is being read or if the student really just wanted to take a nap. There are no limits as couches, food and music are brought outdoors. Some other popular activities include walking to Tim Hortons, McDonanlds, the local grocery stores and even casually through the area of Hespeler we live in. With so many things to do out in the sun, homework can cease to exist in the mind of a student.

Thankfully, the bit of a cold spell this past week sent me running to the warmth of the library where I finished a great deal of work. Now I just have 2 papers, 2 book reports, and a few smaller assignments to do before my 5 exams... Yikes! And on top of that... exactly 3 weeks from today is my official start date with CEF!

As of yesterday, my support total is at 11%. God has been so good already and I truly feel blessed by all of you who are praying and supporting me both financially and with encouragement. I'm really excited to be serving God in this ministry this summer and I can't wait to be sharing all the adventures with you.

Please pray for this coming weekend and Missionsfest Toronto, as we share with thousands of people that attend the importance of sharing the Gospel with children. And also pray for the LiT that will be attending and that their minds will be awakened to the things that are happening in the world. Some of them have expressed an interest in missions and CEF summer missions before, so please pray that God would show them how they could possibly be used in this world to serve Him, whether it's here at home or overseas.

Here I go for another crazy week!!!



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