Just A Taste...

>> Friday, March 19, 2010

So today was one of those days when I got just enough of a taste of CEF that I can't wait for summer. It was the last day of March Break Camp, so what better to do then show up and surprise everyone! It was wonderful to see some of the kids that I haven't seen since camp last summer. They seriously do grow up so fast... I barely even recognize some of them.

The thing that I will never get over when they see me after all this time is the light that comes into their eyes and the smile that spreads across their face... that's when you truly know that you have made an impact in their life, even though it was small, but enough of an impact to be something special to them. There were a couple of them that almost had me in tears today with an unexpected hug. It makes me want to do more... to show more love... to be the hands and feet of Jesus even more to them.

It was also cool to surprise my LiT and just hang out with them and talk. Today I noticed something that I haven't seen in them very often. There was a passion in their voices as they talked about the skit (Everything by Lifehouse) and it was clear that God is doing something special in their hearts. It's been and still is a long process, but they are learning more and more each time I see them. They are such beautiful young women of God and I truly feel privileged to be able to mentor them and just be a friend to them. I can't wait for the day when they have a post-secondary education, are married and serving God with everything and can look back on right now and see just how God was working in every conversation and every moment... it's going to be awesome!

♥ Ash

These are my gorgeous ladies... and Ivhan too! haha


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