So Much To Do... So Little Time

>> Saturday, April 3, 2010

So I decided to take a break from my mountain of homework, assignments, presentations and major papers to blog because basically I've been failing at updating this lately.

There are only 28 days to go before our start date of May 3 and there is still SO MUCH to do! Right now I still have 2 papers, 2 book reports, 4 reading responses, 5 assignments, 1 presentation, 5 exams and a whole bunch more homework and reading to go! This semester has flown by and I'm sure the next few weeks will too. But I only have about 23 more days to complete all this work in... so I would really appreciate your prayers for strength, rest and especially FOCUS over these next few weeks.

On top of all that I still have a few other responsibilities too! Next Saturday is Slingshot, where I'll be working with the LiT girls again. We will hopefully be working through some questions that have come up around prayer as well as looking at the death and resurrection of Christ.
The next weekend is Missionsfest Toronto. I will be in the city all weekend. Friday and Sunday I will be at the CEFOntario booth promoting the ministry and on Saturday I will be going to get the LiT girls to bring them to see Missionsfest. Some of them have had some questions about overseas missions, especially after seeing the film End of the Spear. This will be the first time that most of them have had any interaction with missionaries or even informed of what is happening overseas to present the Gospel to the nations.

So that's life right now... one crazy month of chaos to go until a whole summer filled with different situations of chaos! :)

♥ Ash


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